Why It Takes More Than Being a Good Leader to be a Great Boss

It is said that great bosses inspire their employees to perform well, exceed expectations, and remain loyal to the organization. It is also known that bosses are the primary reason employees either love or leave their jobs. With so much on the line, it is critical that bosses understand the magnitude of their roles and don’t take such a responsibility too lightly. It is often stated that the foundation for being a great boss begins with strong leadership. While leadership skills certainly play a tremendous role in the development of a great  boss, they aren’t the only skills that are needed to achieve and maintain success as a boss. Great bosses do more than just drive results…they have figured out what it takes to encourage, empower, and motivate employees. Therefore, to ensure you are on the road to becoming a great boss, make sure you’re doing the following things. 

Set Clear Performance Expectations

There is nothing more frustrating to employees than not understanding what they are supposed to be doing. In fact, employees tend to experience increased stress levels when they don’t know what is expected of them. Spend time with each employee and set clear performance expectations. Provide them with a specific job description that clearly defines their tasks and goals and make sure they understand their role and responsibilities. 

Communicate Clearly and Often

Not only do employees want to know exactly what is expected of them, but they want to know how well they are performing. Employees expect open and honest feedback from their boss. Therefore, managers need to provide this type of assessment on a regular basis. Highlight exactly what the employee is doing right and what they are doing wrong, and communicate ideas for helping them succeed. Regular communication is key to long-term success. 

Get to Know Your Employees

The best managers do more than just lead their team professionally. A great boss gets to know their employees on a personal level and takes a genuine interest in their lives. Take the time to greet employees in the morning. Ask them about their children and families from time to time. Try to be empathetic and understanding when family situations arise and be flexible when possible. Employees who feel like their boss cares about them are more inclined to be committed to their work. 

Fine Creative Ways to Motivate Your Team

Inspiration leads to increased productivity so look for ways to inspire and motivate your team. Set goals for your team and look for ways to reward and have incentives for employees who reach these goals. Foster teamwork by  incorporating fun activities, events, and team-building opportunities. Things as simple as themed work days, unique challenges, and friendly competition can be fun ways to motivate your team. 

Acknowledge Good Performance

Employees need to feel valued and appreciated and they thrive on recognition. Positive reinforcement is a great way to build trust and respect with your employees while also motivating them to keep working harder. It can be something as simple as an email, verbal complement, or recognition at a team meeting but a little acknowledgement can go a long way.