How to Start and Keep a Great Management Team

It’s no secret that behind every great business is a great team of leaders. That said, nearly 60% of businesses are deprived of strong leaders. This creates a negative ripple effect throughout an entire organization, with many employees citing that they left their jobs due to poor leadership. Nonetheless, a strong management team is vital to the success of any organization. Building an exceptional team is no easy task, nor does it happen overnight. It takes a great deal of time, patience, practice, and perseverance. Still, leaders can support management and work to attract and retain a great team with these strong leadership habits. 

Attracting and Building  the Right Team

A strong team of leaders is essential to meeting deadlines, increasing productivity, and growing a business. This starts with attracting and hiring the right people for your management team. Here are a few ways to attract and build a strong team:

Promote from Within

The best way to build a strong team is to keep your staff internally. You can watch employees for signs of leadership skills and look for those who are good communicators, show confidence, and work well with others. Promoting from within also sends a message to other employees that there is room for growth within the organization.

Create a Positive Company Culture

You have probably heard about how great it is to work at certain companies. Maybe it’s the perks and benefits or the fun atmosphere and exciting mission, but a positive company culture is very enticing.

Focus on More than Just Hard Skills

There was a time when you got hired based on your hard skills, accomplishments, and previous experience only. These days, companies are finding that soft skills like the ability to communicate, delegate, inspire, and motivate are actually more important than some other skills. Hard skills can always be taught but many soft skills are naturally acquired. 

Retaining Your Team

Now that you’ve built this fantastic team, how do you make sure you can retain them for years to come? Your organization’s success depends not only on building a great management team but also on keeping it. What would happen if these valuable managers found jobs elsewhere? Recruiting can be time consuming and expensive so it’s important to focus on retaining talent by creating an environment where they can thrive. 


People need to feel appreciated and respected so they can be fully engaged in their work. Managers who respect and value their employees develop strong, productive, and loyal relationships with them. 


Recognize employees for a job well done. Managers need to know they are succeeding in their role and that they are recognized for their hard work. Recognize employees in front of colleagues, during meetings, or even at an awards banquet. You can also reward employees with bonuses, raises, or other perks and benefits. 

Provide Mentoring Opportunities

Give your management team the opportunity to learn something new or further develop their skills. This can help them build relationships while also growing in confidence and learning more about the organization.