What the Best Managers Do Daily

Success in business is the result of successful employees.  That being said, strong managers are perhaps the most critical component of employee success.  It has often been said that employees leave managers, not companies.  Therefore, it is important that managers learn how to inspire, motivate, and engage their employees in order to build employee success.  How can a manager do just this?  The truth is, there is no secret formula for the perfect manager, but there are core tasks that great managers do on a daily basis. 


A manager with strong communication skills knows how to effectively instruct employees.  They are able to take information and convey it in a way that is clear and concise.  Managers who communicate well know how to transmit orders from above as well as gather information from below and transmit it to the top.  Managers who are good communicators are also good listeners and make their employees feel valued by listening to their needs and input.  By communicating on a daily basis, managers are able to implement the vision and strategy of the company.

Speak the Truth

In order to become a great manager, you must earn the trust and respect of your employees.  This comes from nothing other than honesty itself. A great manager doesn’t sugarcoat bad news, avoid conflict, or beat around the bush.  Rather, they respect their employees enough to present them with the truth, even if it’s not always the easiest thing to hear.  In addition to fostering trust, a truthful manager also encourages an open culture which leads to a more successful business.

Exhibit Leadership

When you become a manager, you lose the ability to gripe and groan.  Instead, you become a representative of the company.  Great managers exhibit leadership on a daily basis by aligning themselves with the corporate direction.  They instill trust, provide direction, delegate responsibility, and do so in a manner that allows employees to achieve their own potential.

Build Relationships

Effective managers strive to build personal relationships with their teams.  Employees are more likely to be motivated and work harder for a manager they trust.  When managers take the time to ask employees about their day, their families, or how their job is going, it makes the employees feel valued and cared about.  Valued employees are willing to work harder and apply extra effort when needed.

Develop Others

The best managers are aware of what their employees need and are always working to provide additional opportunities for growth and development.  This includes providing employees with the tools they need, training seminars, workshops, and also assisting them personally.  Great managers try to cultivate each employee’s individual talent and motivate them to use their talents to be productive and successful.

Develop Themselves

Great managers do not only focus on those around them, but they are aware of their own personal development as well.  They know that if they want to be better leaders, they must seek opportunities for their own improvement as well.  A manager who is willing to continue growing their own skills and learning continuously will be able to encourage the same for their employees.