Take These Positive Steps to Boost Your Team’s Morale

Great managers take the time to step back and reflect on their team’s morale. How satisfied are their employees with their work? Are they enthusiastic, engaged, and motivated? As their manager, you have the power to influence your employees’ morale and well-being. When employee morale is high, productivity and performance will increase. High employee morale will drive better results, attract top talent, and decrease turnover rates. Therefore, managers should go that extra mile to promote a positive work environment. Here are a few things every manager can do to boost employee morale. 

Recognize the Good

All too often the workplace is filled with busy days that turn into busy weeks which means that we often forget to stop and celebrate small successes. However, taking the time to recognize your team for a job well done is the cheapest, easiest, and most effective way to boost morale. Find opportunities to highlight the individual contributions of team members and give recognition in front of others. Verbal praise, notes or emails of thanks, and even small rewards can be very motivating.  Recognition can go a long way in making team members feel valued.  

Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an important part of a healthy work environment.  A good work-life balance can reduce stress and helps prevent burnout in the workplace. Managers should be mindful of how long hours and high levels of stress can impact their employees. Organizations that promote a healthy work-life balance will see an increase in productivity and an increase in the overall happiness of their employees. 

Solicit Employee Feedback

Managers can sometimes fall into the trap of constantly running the show without giving a passing thought to the feelings of their employees. This can cause frustration and lead to a decrease in productivity. It’s important to solicit feedback from the people you hired to work on the front lines. Your employees can provide innovative ideas and listening to them makes them feel valued and empowered. 

Set Team Goals 

Team goals are a necessary part of any management strategy but you can’t just rely on yearly performance goals. It’s important to have goals in place that will keep employees motivated on a daily basis. Giving your team short-term goals along the way and rewarding them with prizes is a great way to keep team members excited. Rewards can be anything from an extra afternoon off to gift cards and even a coffee bar. Setting goals can make work both exciting and productive at the same time. 

Communicate Often

One of the simplest ways to improve employee morale is through communication. Team members appreciate managers who check in with them regularly. Ask questions like: “How is the energy on your team?” “ What challenges are you facing and how can I help you overcome them?” Let your team know that you genuinely care about them and their needs. Let them know that their feelings are important.