Top Underrated Skills All Great Managers Have

What makes an outstanding manager?  Do they possess strong leadership skills?  Do they have good time-management?  Are they effective communicators?  Do they have a positive attitude?  The fact is most great managers will check all of these boxes.  These are the primary skills that executives look for when hiring a manager.  So, what makes a manager stand out from the rest?  What are the less common yet just as important skills that can turn an ordinary manager into an extraordinary one?  Here are some of the top underrated skills that make for great managers.

They have unexpected skills for their position

There are certain skills that are necessary for certain jobs.  For example, a salesperson would need to have a good personality and great communication skills.  A writer would need to be strong in written expression and be able to meet deadlines. However, what if these people also possess skills that are not necessarily expected for their position?  The salesperson happens to be a number whiz or the writer is extremely proficient with IT skills.  The same is true for managers.  There are plenty of expected skills for a manager but when they bring something unique and unexpected to the table it allows them to work cross-functionally with different departments.

They are diplomatic

One of the most difficult parts of being a manager is dealing with conflict within your team.  Nobody gets along with everyone and there will always be employees who mesh well together.  Finding a manager that knows how to get along with everyone-even if they don’t like them- is a highly undervalued skill.  However, this kind of maturity and professionalism is what sets good managers apart from great ones.

They understand the importance of taking breaks

If you think a manager that is a workaholic means success than think again!  Studies have consistently shown that importance of taking breaks and taking vacation time.  A great manager knows that employee performance will benefit if they encourage breaks and vacation time. They realize that this will keep their employees refreshed and more focused on the job.

They are proactive

A good manager knows how to solve a problem quickly but a great manager knows how to solve it before it becomes a problem.  Great managers aim to prevent problems from occurring and have the ability to spot these potential hazards.  They are open to suggestions from their team and are always looking for ways to be proactive.

They are empathetic

All too often managers try to exert their authority, thinking that it’s their job to play hardball, when in fact employees are much more receptive to a manager who possesses empathy.  A manager that knows how to balance work life and professional life is more likely to be empathetic to employees with children, sick parents, family illnesses, etc. Managers who are understanding and make their employees feel valued are more likely to have happier and more efficient employees.  There is always a time and a place for enforcing rules and regulations, but great managers also show empathy.