Your Title Doesn’t Excuse Your Behavior

056They are going to take notice of your actions so it’s up to you to set a positive tone for your employees. All too often managers feel like respect should just be given to them and they are exempt from the rules simply because of their title. However, this is simply untrue. Regardless of title or position, everyone should be held to the same standards and should strive to be a good example. After all, how could you possibly expect hard work, determination, and ethical conduct from your employees if you don’t demonstrate that yourself?


You Reap What You Sow

We are all familiar with the old adage “you reap what you sow” but this statement speaks so much truth when it comes to management. A manager’s team is only as good as the manager himself. This means that it’s up to the manager to set high expectations for themselves and their employees. Otherwise, it sets the tone that low expectations are good enough. Furthermore, leaders need to set and enforce clear standards and make every effort to follow them. When leaders fail to meet their own standards, it sends the message that these standards aren’t important. Managers must strive to be consistent in their leadership role by setting a good example for their employees.


Building Trust and Credibility

There is no doubt that managers expect their employees to follow company policy, strive to meet goals, and demonstrate a positive work ethic. However, the managers are not excused from these same expectations simply because of their title. Managers who fail to follow these same guidelines are likely to lose all respect from their employees as well as their credibility. If a manager expects employees to show up on time, they too, need to show up on time. If a manager expects employees to treat colleagues with respect, they too, need to treat others with respect. As a leader it is your job to inspire those around you by “walking the walk.”


Admit Your Mistakes

Anyone in a leadership position knows that mistakes are inevitable, but the biggest mistake that a manager can make is not admitting them. Leaders are not excused from their mistakes simply because of their title so it’s important that they take responsibility for their actions. Too many managers let their ego get in the way of doing what is best for the team, but a manager who isn’t afraid to admit their mistakes builds trust within their team. When leaders are transparent about their mistakes, it cultivates a positive relationship with employees that is beneficial for the company.


The greatest managers are those who can positively influence the people around them. Managers are in a position to make a difference and have an impact on their team, but they can only do this when they lead by example. Therefore, every manager needs to remember that they are not exempt from the rules and expectations set for their employees and their title should never excuse their behavior.