Best Practices for Setting and Achieving Team Goals

As a leader, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team sets attainable goals and that you provide the support needed to achieve them. Doing so not only creates a more profitable team, but it also creates a more positive and supportive work environment. Setting the right goals is key for driving performance and moving your team in a positive direction. If you want to be an effective team leader, consider the following best practices for helping your team set and achieve their goals. 

Prioritize Goal Setting

As a manager, you want your team to understand the importance of goal setting and how it will benefit them. Setting team goals has a number of benefits to both employees and the organization as a whole, so you want to emphasize its importance and prioritize goal setting. Here are just a few of the benefits of setting team goals:

  • They provide clear direction and a plan of action. 
  • They facilitate better relationships, accountability, and communication within the team.
  • They create opportunities for collaboration.
  • They help individuals understand how their work fits within a group. 

Follow the SMART Process

A SMART goal is one devised with the following framework:


S: Specific: Be specific and articulate about the goals. 

M: Measure: Set goals that are measurable and identify which metrics will be used to demonstrate that the goal was achieved. 

A: Attainable: Set goals that are challenging but within reach. 

R: Relevant: The goals should be important to both the individual and the organization.

T: Time-bound: Clarify deadlines and target dates for the goal. 

Create a Roadmap

Once you have clearly defined goals in place, it’s time to create a roadmap that outlines who the team will achieve these goals. This roadmap should include specific action items, deadlines, and resources needed to accomplish each goal. It should be a visual representation of what needs to be done, by whom, and when. 

Foster Collaboration

Teams work best when they communicate and share ideas. As a leader, it is important to cultivate an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions. This leads to more innovation, better decision making, and faster results.