The Do’s and Don’ts of Business Management

It is often said that people leave managers, not jobs. That’s why it is critical to have a successful management team leading your business. After all, management’s relationship with employees can ultimately lead to success or failure. The way in which a manager interacts with employees can impact everything from employee morale and productivity to job satisfaction and employee retention. Therefore, it is important for business managers to create an environment that makes employees feel valued, appreciated, and worthwhile. Here are some of the top Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to business management.

DO listen to your employees.

One of the best ways to become an effective manager is by listening to your employees. Not only is this critical for building a relationship with them, but it also lets your employees know that you value and respect their input. Take the time to interact with your employees, ask questions, learn about them, and invite them to share ideas or concerns. You can gain so much value and insight when you take the time to listen to others. 

DO offer praise and encouragement.

Employees typically avoid conversations with their managers because it usually means they have done something wrong. Try to change this narrative by offering praise and encouragement to your team. Whether it’s offering praise at a company review or during a weekly team meeting, thanking your employees and recognizing their hard work goes a long way in making them feel valued and appreciated.

DO foster teamwork.

While it is certainly important to reward individuals who are performing well, it is equally important to build a foundation of teamwork. When you reward teams rather than individuals, you are fostering a culture where employees are encouraged to work together. You can also create a strong sense of community by hosting team building events. You can always accomplish more with a group so lead by building a strong team. 

DO strive to keep employees engaged. 

Many of the most successful businesses are those that valued engagement. When employees are engaged at work, they are more likely to be productive. You can strengthen engagement through ongoing professional development, reward programs, team building events, and maintaining a stimulating work environment.

DON’T get defensive if criticism is directed toward you. 

It’s normal not to like criticism, but when you are a leader, it comes with the territory. Not everyone is going to love the way you lead, but instead of getting defensive about it, try offering a respectful explanation or invite feedback on how things could be improved.

DON’T micromanage your employees.

There is nothing employees hate more than a manager who tries to dictate every move they make. Instead of hanging over your employees’ shoulders telling them what to do, try giving them the freedom to complete tasks on their own. Not only will this empower employees to work harder, but you just might find that they have a better way of doing things. 

DON’T compromise your personal ethics.

You cannot be an effective manager unless you have strong core values. You must always strive to treat others the way you want to be treated and only make business decisions that align with your own personal values. No matter how much pressure you may feel to conform or compromise your value for profit, stay true to who you are and what you believe.