The Pros and Cons of Micromanaging

There are many different management styles, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There’s one type of management style, however, that is more controversial than most and that is micromanagement. Many employees complain about being micromanaged, although it can be effective at times. This leaves it up to managers to decide if the positive effects of micromanagement outweigh the negatives. It’s not always easy for managers to decide how much autonomy they should give their team, as this can have an effect on productivity. At the same time, managers should empower employees to reach their full potential. Therefore, managers must be aware of the pros and cons of micromanagement so they can decide if it is the right approach for their team. 

What is Micromanagement?

Micromanagement is a managerial style in which the manager attempts to supervise or monitor every single thing that goes on in the workplace. They closely monitor their team members to ensure that tasks are being performed correctly. Generally, they show little confidence in their team members to allow them to work freely on their own. Instead, they oversee every little detail and require things to be done their way. 

Pros of Micromanagement

1. Solve Problems Quickly

There are instances when problems will arise that need immediate action. It is more effective for the manager to take control over the people and situation to resolve the problem quickly and effectively.

2. Freedom to Make Mistakes

Micromanagement gives employees a bit more freedom to make mistakes. Because the managers oversee everything the employee does, they can catch and correct mistakes before they reach the client. Only the manager will see the mistake, preventing the employee from having to deal with a potentially bigger issue. The employees will be less anxious, knowing their manager will look over their work before it gets sent to clients. 

3. Prevents Mistakes

When a manager monitors every little task, mistakes will undoubtedly be avoided. When a team works on a project, the manager’s interference allows them to catch mistakes along the way. They can teach the team members how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. 

4. Provide Support to Those Who Need It

Not all employees feel confident enough to manage tasks on their own. They may prefer the support and constant feedback from a micromanager. These employees appreciate that you are keeping track of their progress and will note any mistakes they make along the way.

Cons of Micromanagement

1. It Can Result in Higher Employee Turnover

Many employees strongly dislike working for a micromanager and get irritated when they constantly interfere with their work. They feel as though their manager does not trust them and this can lead to increased turnover. 

2. Wasted Time

Micromanagement takes a great deal of time and can take up valuable time that a manager could be spending on other things. Interfering with your team’s tasks will waste your time and the team’s. It is more efficient to equip employees with the right skills and then trust them to do their job. 

3. Hampers Creativity

Creative employees add more value and diverse perspectives in the workplace. Many businesses specifically hire people who can think outside the box. When a manager controls every task and the way the team works, they are limiting their creativity and perhaps missing out on greater opportunities.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us today at 1-800-501-1245 to request information about training courses from the Management Training Institute as well as other corporate training programs offered through our parent company Bold New Directions.