Tips for Conducting an Effective Training Session

There is no denying the benefits of training in the workplace. Training sessions are a great way to develop and enhance employee skills, refocus your team, and boost morale. Although training sessions can be highly beneficial, they can also be a waste of time if conducted inappropriately. Here we will look at some helpful tips for conducting an effective training session that is truly beneficial for your employees.

1. Determine What Type of Training is Needed

First and foremost, you need to decide on a training topic. You can conduct a needs or gap assessment with your employees or customers to provide some insight into what your employees really need. For example, are you employees lacking any key skills? Are there skill gaps between teams or departments? Are your customers struggling with a certain issue as a result of your employees? Answering these questions can help you structure your training sessions to best achieve your business goals. 

2. Consider Different Learning Styles

Different people learn best in different ways, which is why your training session should offer various learning paths to give each attendee a chance to learn in a way that works best for them. For example, some employees may be visual learners while others are auditory learners. Some people prefer in-person learning while others prefer virtual training. Some employees may even prefer hands-on training while others are just fine with an instructor-led program. You can accommodate these differences by using a mix of the following in your training sessions:

  • Graphics and other visuals
  • Videos 
  • On-demand content
  • Hands-on exercises
  • Self-paced activities

3. Set Clear Learning Objectives

If you have ever attended a training session that didn’t offer an agenda upfront, you know how frustrating it can be going into something blind. To that same point, employees want training programs that provide clear goals and learning objectives. The learning objectives should be relevant and measurable, so employees can measure how well they have mastered the material. Additionally, all agendas and learning objectives should be shared with attendees prior to the training session so they can prepare. 

4. Demonstrations and Practical Activities

Training sessions are far less effective if the speaker stands up and recites information to the attendees. The best training is hands-on, interactive, and engaging. Use practical demonstrations or activities that your attendees are more likely to remember. This will make the learning experience real and they are much more likely to remember your key points and gain a greater understanding of the subject matter. 

5. Test Their Knowledge

Incorporate tests or quizzes into your training session to check for understanding along the way. These don’t have to be in the form of pen and paper. Rather, they could be group led through a PowerPoint. They could be part of a game or activity. You could also simply stop and ask questions to test their knowledge during the session.


If you are interested in learning more, contact us today at 1-800-501-1245 to request information about training courses from the Management Training Institute as well as other corporate training programs offered through our parent company Bold New Directions.