You Aren’t Above Criticism

All too often managers feel like the microphone belongs in only their hands and they have no problem dishing out constructive criticism to their employees.  However, when the tables turn, these same managers feel attacked and get defensive at the very thought of someone criticizing them. The truth is, nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes from time to time. This goes for managers too! Constructive criticism can be a valuable tool in the workplace and allows individuals to learn and grow. The best managers are those who understand that just because they are in a leadership position it doesn’t mean they are above criticism. Here are just a few of the reasons why every manager needs to hear criticism from time to time.

It Makes You Better at Your Job

In order to be the most effective leader, you must be aware of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Managers must learn to cultivate an environment where criticism is simply part of the job and is needed to help them improve. After all, you weren’t chosen to be a manager because you were perfect. You were chosen because you were a great leader. Great leaders understand that criticism is necessary in order to be successful. Criticism is not meant to be taken personally. Rather, it is intended to help you improve at your job so you can succeed in the workplace. It provides a new insight and perspective and opens your eyes to things you may have overlooked. Managers who learn how to hear criticism and channel it into something good will end up being the ones who continue climbing the corporate ladder.

It Makes You Relatable and Respected

If there is one way to earn the respect of your employees, it’s to have the ability to admit when you have done something wrong. Oftentimes managers put themselves on a pedestal and spend their time critiquing and criticizing the work of their employees. However, these managers never seem to make any mistakes themselves and only get angry if someone disagrees with them. This is totally destructive to the work environment and will leave employees feeling frustrated. When managers can point their own mistakes out to their team and make it clear that they, too, rely on others for insight, it creates a stronger bond between manager and employees. It makes you more relatable and employees respect a manager who can admit their own faults.

It Fosters Collaboration

The best work environment is one where feedback and criticism can be shared openly. Many employees rarely take up issues with their manager for fear of losing their job. However, if your employees don’t want to bring up tough issues, who will? Managers who create a transparent atmosphere where people can openly discuss tough subjects will give everyone the opportunity to improve at their job. When managers demonstrate that they aren’t afraid to take criticism, it empowers their employees to speak up when there is a problem. This encourages input and feedback from the team and ultimately this incredible ability to collaborate will lead to success.